Friday, February 14

Who We Are

Project Africa – Malawi 2024

Project Africa – Malawi 2024

Who We Are
Malawi 2024 (Project Africa) is a Berkshire Scouts international community project and global awareness programme. Put simply: young people supporting young people! For 18 months our 12 attendees have been raising money, from Pangbourne Fete, to craft sales, to Christmas fayres, they've cooked burgers, tidied gardens, they've entertained Pangbourne on a December morning with Carols! As the summer of 2024 comes ever closer, its nearly time for them to head off on their adventure to Malawi. See more from Berkshire Scouts on this amazing adventure here -
Thre3-6ix Radio – Who we are

Thre3-6ix Radio – Who we are

Who We Are
Born in 2019, Thr3-6ix Radio was the brain child of Chris Hughes, 36 hours of non-stop broadcasting, from Pangbourne, Berkshire to raise funds to send Scouts to the World Scout Jamboree in North America, and on Berkshire Scouts Project Africa community project to Uganda. Well its 2024, and we are back this time sending 11 young people, and 1 leader to Malawi as part of Berkshire Scouts Project Africa in the Summer of 2024. 10th to 12th May promises to be a Festival on the radio, and on Pangbourne Meadow, Berkshire showing the amazing things we get up to, and raising money to send our Explorer scouts on an adventure from our community, to one in Malawi. Found out More about Project Africa, and who's going here
1st Purley and Pangbourne

1st Purley and Pangbourne

Who We Are
We are the Scout Group providing skills for life for young people (male and female) aged 4 to 25 in Pangbourne, Purley on Thames and the surrounding area, affectionately known as P&P With over 220 members, we have 2 Squirrel Drays (age 4-6), 2 Beaver Colonies (age 6-7), 2 Cub Packs (age 8-10.5), 3 Scout Troops (age 10.5 to 13) and 1 Explorer Unit (age 14-17), meeting across the week across Purley and Pangbourne, supported by an amazing team of volunteers who give up their time to make Scouting happen. For more information about our Scout Group, please contact [email protected] Visit our website to find out more Or visit the Scouts Home Page Our Scout Group is part of the Pang Valley Scout District whi...
Scout Radio

Scout Radio

Who We Are
Scout Radio is a National Active Support Unit of the Scout Association in the United Kingdom Scout Radio is a collection of Scouting volunteers based around the country who are experienced in Broadcast Radio, or who want to gain more experience through working with Scouting and young people to deliver Radio. The origins of the team lie in the Essex International Jamboree in 2008 where an internet radio station (Jungle FM) was a huge success. The people involved in the station recognised a need for a platform for young people to develop a skill and passion for Broadcast Media and also observed how much a radio station could add to the experience of large events such as Jamborees. Over the last 16 years, we have broadcast from over 35 events across the country. Scout Radio supports ...